Eppi, designed by Felicitas Pommerening and illustrated by Andy Elkerton and Klemens Franz, is an innovative adventure game in book form that brings families together for a whimsical and interactive experience. Published by Lookout Games, it combines storytelling, problem-solving, and tactile gameplay into a package that’s accessible, replayable, and endlessly charming.
At its core, Eppi is a point-and-click-inspired adventure game. Players embark on a journey as Eppi, a mysterious creature dwelling in the basement, and interact with a series of puzzles and riddles woven into a quirky, family-driven narrative. Each chapter introduces different characters, such as the curious baby Manni and the sharp-minded Grandma Tara, each contributing a unique perspective to the story.
The game blends the narrative depth of a children’s book with the interactivity of a puzzle game. It includes:
While Eppi is primarily designed as a family game, it has broad appeal. It’s perfect for parents and kids to play together, offering a mix of simple challenges for younger players and more thought-provoking puzzles for adults. Its lighthearted tone and easy-to-grasp mechanics make it an excellent choice for families with children aged 4 and up.
The art direction is bright, engaging, and full of personality, with every page bringing the world of Eppi to life. The book and its components are designed with durability in mind, ensuring that the game holds up through repeated use—a thoughtful touch for families.
Eppi is a heartwarming and imaginative game that successfully combines the joy of storytelling with the engagement of puzzles. It’s perfect for families looking to spend quality time together, and its replayable nature makes it a worthy addition to any family game collection. Whether as a gift or a rainy-day activity, Eppi delivers an experience that is as memorable as it is fun.
Eppi is not just a game—it’s an experience that fosters connection and creativity, leaving players eager to uncover every secret and share the journey with others.
🌟 4.5/5 Stars 🌟
EPPI is so fun! I love finding the puzzles and making the stickers go on the pages. I like when we laugh and talk about the story. It’s the best time with Mama! I want more stories and a fluffy EPPI plushie!
🌟 5/5 Stars 🌟
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